Kratom has been crucial in managing opiate withdrawal symptoms for years in the United States. Scientific studies show that kratom can gradually wean off a person from narcotics.
Kratom’s ingredients help in modifying the drug reactions of the body and decouple the opioid receptors from the drug constituents. Around 65 research studies have been conducted to understand the pharmacological and medicinal effects of kratom.
The Journal of American Osteopathic Association publishes studies on kratom to identify the therapeutic effects of the drug.
Kratom is a natural alternative to the prescription medicine used in most heroin detox centers. The right type of kratom gives you the best opioid withdrawal medicine. It needs to be taken in correct dosage with a physician’s supervision.
It works as well as a Suboxone or tramadol for opioid withdrawal treatment. Patients have been able to overcome their dope sickness and function regularly.
Additionally, it does not make you tired or sleepy while taking away the symptoms completely. There are various types of kratom strains available in the market.
However, Kratom strains vary, and each one is unique in terms of the combination of alkaloids and its effects. It is necessary to find out which one works for you.
Here in this article, we give you the 3 best kratom strains that facilitate opiate withdrawal in patients.
1) Maeng Da Kratom Strain For Opiate Withdrawal
Maeng Da is one of the most popular kratom strains. The important feature is that it helps you to maintain energy and enables you to undertake jobs without any significant loss in function.
In comparison to other types of kratom, Maeng da has no side effects. The beneficial effects of Maeng da are equivalent to that of painkillers such as Morphine, Percocet, Oxycontin, and Dilaudid.
The effects of Maeng Da take time to manifest. But the right dosage helps you in getting pain relief without any side effects. The pills do not make you tired or drowsy.
The herb can be taken in powder, liquid or capsule form depending on the convenience. Its retail availability is excellent and is available at the small smoke shop and online stores.
2) Borneo Kratom Strain For Opiate Withdrawal
Borneo strain is an ideal combination with the herbal tea. It is both tasty and relieves pain. Kratom capsules are the easiest way to digest the product.
Since it is a plant, either leaf or extract, it takes an hour to digest and enter the bloodstream. The effect usually lasts for 3 to 5 hours.
When you are detoxing from heroin or opioid painkillers you will need a dose every 3 to 4 hours for a few days; then you can stretch it out a little more.
It is definitely better than detox medicines such as Subutex and Suboxone. They have side effects while kratom extract does not. Also, there are no risks of overdosing. Overdosing only leads to vomiting and not any adverse effects reported.
3)Red Bali Kratom Strain For Opiate Withdrawal
It is one of the most effective kratom strains available in the market. As the name suggests, the strain is imported from Bali.
The sedative qualities help in relieving pain efficiently. It helps a person get relief from insomnia and other sleeping problems.
This kratom strain has given the ability to counter opiate withdrawal symptoms easily. It also helps in reducing anxiety and depressive thoughts. It is a valuable medication to be a part of withdrawal program.
It can boost the energy level of the patient and erase fatigue-related symptoms. It can combat depressive thoughts effectively and create a pleasurable experience.
There are also other variants of kratom such as green Malay and white Thai. These are known to create a euphoric experience by elevating the mood. Mind and body can achieve a relaxed state. The person becomes calm and becomes less sensitive to pain.
White Thai is known to have positive effects on libido reducing sexual dysfunction that occurs due to opioid withdrawal. It helps in restoring the sexual health of the person quickly.
Kratom Therapy for Opioid Addiction
The traditional medical detox for opiates is usually a week-long inpatient stay. You are supervised by a doctor and 24-hour nursing. They use various prescription drugs such as Valium, Ativan, clonidine, and buprenorphine. If you don’t have health insurance coverage, detox can be really expensive.
You need to go through the residential program at a drug rehabilitation facility for a month time. It is also required to go through individual counseling and group therapy every day as part of the rehab program.
In contrast, kratom’s use as a prescription medicine for drug addiction has been gaining traction owing to its success. Medications such as Subutex or Suboxone used in traditional extended drug treatment programs have many side effects.
Drug craving is reduced with the help of kratom. It helps the addicts to become sober and clean. Since kratom is natural, it does not have any side effects.
During withdrawal phase, the craving for opiates changes the normal functioning of the body and mind. Kratom produces the same effect as opiates, and the alkaloids bind to the opioid receptors.
Within a few days of using Kratom, the person would stop using the narcotic he’s addicted to, and the binding of Mitragynine will neutralize the cravings and withdrawal symptoms to the opioid receptors.
Kratom helps in managing opiate withdrawal by normalizing the loss of appetite, controlling nausea and reducing insomnia. In addition to that, it can cure fever, alleviate myalgia, low mood and curb opiate cravings. It can also be used to treat restless legs syndrome.
People who are struggling to quit drugs can make use of kratom to control addiction. It is a natural alternative for patients. During the treatment program, the dosage of kratom can be lowered until the person gets freedom from addiction.
Using Kratom Strains for Opiate Withdrawal
The therapeutic and psychoactive effects of kratom are being researched in the United States.
The right dosage for cancer pain relief and drug symptoms withdrawal depends on the anatomy of the person. Various ways are available to consume kratom in households.
The method of preparation and the method of consumption depend on the addiction level of the people and their tolerability.
Kratom is available in various forms such as capsules, resins, powder, extracts, tinctures and much more. You can select the type of kratom medication based on your personal preference. The standard ways to take kratom to find comfort from opioid withdrawal symptoms are as follows.
Kratom Tea
Kratom is used to form an herbal tea which is both healthy and tasty. It is one of the most effective ways to consume kratom. It is easy to prepare the required mixture of kratom, lemon, cinnamon, honey and tea to be boiled and served.
It has a great taste and smells good. It also provides the quickest route for kratom to get absorbed into the body. This is the way kratom is consumed in Southeast Asia for centuries.
Kratom Supplement
Kratom’s benefits have attracted various supplement manufacturers in the United States. Hence it has been produced in massive quantities in attractive packages.
Kratom comes in capsule form, and thus you can easily reach your dosage levels. It is one of the popular ways for treating opiate withdrawal.
Mix and Eat Method
This technique is similar to mix and match. The difference is that Kratom powder is paired with a food item.
In this method, it is necessary to consume kratom and food simultaneously. This is because the food’s chemicals can react with alkaloids of kratom and create abnormal reactions. You can take kratom with honey, oatmeal, etc.
Mix and Match Method
This technique involves mixing a beverage with kratom extract. For instance, orange juice can be paired with Kratom powder.
This is one of the best ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell and bitter taste. Kratom mixed with a beverage can be consumed quickly without the need for swallowing.
Toss and Wash Method
This is similar to how you take your pills. Kratom powder is placed directly to the mouth and immediately swallowed with juice or water.
However, it will create an unpleasant taste in the mouth. It is the quickest way to make the body absorb kratom. You don’t have to prepare anything to consume kratom through this method.
Benefits of Kratom Strains for Opiate Withdrawal
Kratom contains naturally forming alkaloids. It works similar to opioids. It enters the body, communicates with the opioid receptors and results in the various effects on the body such as clear mind, optimism, enhanced cognition, etc. it also gives a feeling of euphoria and used for pain relief.
While it does produce the same benefits as these opiates, it has the advantage of not having adverse addictive effects on the opioid receptors. Therefore, it is a safer alternative to most prescription drugs.
Kratom’s opioid-like activity is because of the presence of alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These compounds are known for their antinociceptive and analgesic properties. Research studies show that 7-hydroxymitragynine is a predominant mediator in the analgesic effects of kratom.
The mechanism by which kratom works is similar to natural foods. It passed through the opioid receptors and processed in the digestive system.
Since it is recognized as food, kratom does not create cravings, and addiction does not happen. Kratom is a good solution for combating withdrawal symptoms such as depression, anxiety, lack of strength and sleep.
As you can see, kratom is better than opiates as it tricks the body into thinking that you have taken drugs but avoids any adverse effects associated with it. It allows your body to heal from the effects of drugs.
Kratom Dosage For Opiate Withdrawal
When kratom is used with care, it does not give addition symptoms. The correct dosage for kratom is 8 capsules every four to five hours.
Taking more will not be effective. If you are consuming the extract, 60x capsule needs to be taken every four to five years.
There are other types of kratom depending on their place of origin Bali, Red Thailand, Indo, Borneo, and Malaysian. If you buy products at a retail store, there is no expert on staff to guide you in the right direction. Finding the correct dosage comes from experience.
Kratom with 15x to 30x strength have been proved beneficial. The patient needs to take 75mg to 100 mg two times a day for a week. Physicians advise reducing the dosage as the symptoms decline. Customers also prefer kratom leaf powder.
It can be taken based on the body condition and its reception to kratom. The dosage can be small in initial time and can be increased as per need. It can go from 2 grams to 5 grams. If you don’t see the effect, you can consume another 1 gram.
You can reduce the dosage after a month’s time. You need to reduce the frequency of dosage slowly. By this way, you can identify the right dosage for you. Also, you can understand the quantity that is required for effect.
In case you are affected by severe addiction, then you need 10 grams, and the frequency should be 4 times a day. But you should take care not to take more than 30 grams in a day. You need to follow the schedule for 4 days.
After that, you can start reducing the dosage slowly. Once the symptoms reduce, you can reduce the dosage to less quantity, i.e., 1 gram.
While kratom is being used for medicinal purposes, there are some who misuse it and get addicted. However, the opioid properties are not as destructive as heroin or Oxycontin or other opiate pain medications.
Support from customers, academics and scientists have kept kratom legal in most parts of the United States.
Various regional governments have taken up research on the chemical properties of kratom to understand the substance better. With more research and insights, the quality of medicinal kratom is sure to improve.
The User Experience of Using Kratom Strains for Opiate Withdrawal
User-submitted reports on kratom reveal exciting insights about the substance. Out of the 286 reports, most of them have talked about the positive effects of kratom.
According to them, kratom causes euphoria, sense of well-being, relaxation and pain relief. The right dose of kratom helps in alleviating pain and opiate withdrawal symptoms.
The reports of the adverse reaction of kratom are significantly less compared to other opiates.
Conclusion on Kratom Strains for Opiate Withdrawal
Kratom has been around for a while. There have been some rumors about the misuse of kratom leading to serious health problems.
However, that is not true. Kratom has several beneficial properties that have garnered it the support of physicians, academics, scientists and patient community all over the United States.
Sometimes opiate withdrawal can last for months, but this happens, only if, the patient is not compliant, or the treatment is ineffective. Looking for the best variety of kratom that can enable you to cope with withdrawal symptoms and lead a healthy life.
Kratom comes in various forms capsules, powder, drinks, etc. you can pick and choose the one for you.
Based on the information provided, it seems that kratom has been used in the United States for managing opiate withdrawal symptoms. Scientific studies have been conducted to understand the pharmacological and medicinal effects of kratom, and the Journal of American Osteopathic Association has published studies on kratom to identify its therapeutic effects [[1]].
Kratom is considered a natural alternative to prescription medicine used in most heroin detox centers. It is believed to gradually wean off a person from narcotics by modifying the drug reactions of the body and decoupling the opioid receptors from the drug constituents [[1]].
There are different strains of kratom available in the market, each with its own unique combination of alkaloids and effects. In the context of opiate withdrawal, three popular strains are mentioned:
1) Maeng Da Kratom Strain: Maeng Da is known for helping to maintain energy and enable individuals to undertake tasks without significant loss in function. It is said to have no side effects and its beneficial effects are equivalent to painkillers such as Morphine, Percocet, Oxycontin, and Dilaudid. The effects of Maeng Da may take time to manifest, but the right dosage can provide pain relief without making a person tired or drowsy. Maeng Da is available in powder, liquid, or capsule form [[1]].
2) Borneo Kratom Strain: The Borneo strain is said to be an ideal combination with herbal tea, providing both taste and pain relief. Kratom capsules are considered the easiest way to consume this strain. The effects of Borneo kratom usually last for 3 to 5 hours, and it is considered better than detox medicines such as Subutex and Suboxone, as it has no reported side effects or risks of overdosing [[1]].
3) Red Bali Kratom Strain: Red Bali is described as one of the most effective kratom strains available in the market. It is known for its sedative qualities, which help in relieving pain efficiently and providing relief from insomnia and other sleeping problems. Red Bali kratom is believed to counter opiate withdrawal symptoms easily, reduce anxiety and depressive thoughts, boost energy levels, and combat depressive thoughts effectively. It is also said to have positive effects on libido, reducing sexual dysfunction that occurs due to opioid withdrawal [[1]].
It is important to note that kratom dosage for opiate withdrawal may vary depending on the individual's anatomy and tolerance. The correct dosage is typically determined through experience and may range from 2 grams to 10 grams, depending on the severity of addiction and the individual's response to kratom. It is advisable to start with a small dosage and gradually increase or decrease as needed [[1]].
In conclusion, kratom has been used in the United States for managing opiate withdrawal symptoms. It is considered a natural alternative to prescription medicine and has been the subject of scientific studies. Different strains of kratom, such as Maeng Da, Borneo, and Red Bali, are believed to facilitate opiate withdrawal by providing pain relief, reducing anxiety and depressive thoughts, and boosting energy levels. However, it is important to find the right dosage and consult with a physician for proper supervision [[1]].