The BEST Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe (2024)

Table of Contents
Looking for a fertility plan that includes everything you need (recipes, supplements + lifestyle tips) to help you and your partner prepare for conception? Check out my Fertility Boosting Fundamentals Guide. Looking for a fertility plan that includes everything you need (recipes, supplements + lifestyle tips) to help you and your partner prepare for conception? Check out my Fertility Boosting Fundamentals Guide. WHY FOOD MATTERS FOR FERTILITY FERTILITY SMOOTHIE RECIPE FORMULA + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #1 — A Clean, Unsweetened Liquid Base + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #2 — A High Quality Protein Source + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #3 — A Dose of Healthy Fats + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #4 — Leafy Greens & Frozen Veggies + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #5 — Added Fiber + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #6 — Superfoods + Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #7 — Prebiotic + Probiotic-Rich Foods HOW MACA POWDER WORKS TO BOOST FERTILITY TIPS ON PURCHASING THE BEST MACA POWDER + Opt For Gelatanized Maca Powder + Make Sure To Get The Right Phenotype of Maca Powder + Purchase A Maca Powder Without Fillers or Artificial Ingredients BOTTOMLINE Looking for more delicious recipes to support a healthy preconception, pregnancy + baby? Check out my Fertility Boosting Fundamentals Guide. MORE FERTILITY RECIPES + RESOURCES YOU MAY FIND HELPFUL + Fertility Boosting Foods FREE Download + Trying To Get Pregnant? These Fertility-Boosting Foods + Recipes May Help + How to REALLY Tell If You’re Ovulating + Best Fertility Awareness Methods The BEST Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe Ingredients Instructions Notes References

If you’re looking for an easy way to begin adding more fertility-boosting foods to your routine, look no further than the fertility smoothie.

Not only are smoothies easy to make and have the unique ability to taste like a milkshake/dessert, but they’re also a sneaky way to crowd in fertility-boosting nutrients that might be more difficult to add into your diet otherwise (i.e. an abundance of veggies and leafy greens, adaptogens like maca powder, spices, plenty of fiber, etc.)

Read below for all of the tips on how to build the ultimate fertility smoothie that will work to support your hormones and optimize both sperm and egg quality, as well as the BEST Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe (it tastes like pumpkin pie!)

Looking for a fertility plan that includes everything you need (recipes, supplements + lifestyle tips) to help you and your partner prepare for conception? Check out my Fertility Boosting Fundamentals Guide.


A key component of optimal fertility is obtaining enough nutrients from the food we eat. This is because nutrients are absolutely essential for hormone production. Without them, our hormones cannot do their jobs effectively, which can lead to fertility challenges, typically in the form of irregular ovulation (which often accompanies PCOS and thyroid issues) or a shortened luteal phase (which can prevent implantation or increase chance of miscarriage if your progesterone is low).

Nutrients aren’t only necessary for a healthy cycle and conception, but for a healthy egg, pregnancy and baby as well (which I think we’d all agree is the long-term goal). In fact, researchers from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of the Columbia University Medical Center believe the preconception period to be just as crucial to both mom and baby’s health as what happens once the fetus is in utero.

Because the quality of both the egg and the sperm begin developing 90 days prior to conception, it’s never too early to begin incorporating fertility-boosting foods into your diet, especially if that’s the direction you know you are heading.


Below are the key components you need to build a fertility smoothie that will work to support your hormones and optimize both sperm and egg quality.

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #1 — A Clean, Unsweetened Liquid Base

This is important, as many conventional non-dairy milks are still loaded with sugars, shelf-stabilizers or vegetable oils that cause inflammation in the body, a root cause of hormone imbalances and infertility. My favorite way to avoid this is by making my own!

I’ll soak one cup of nuts of choice (cashews, pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts, etc.) in boiling water for 30 minutes (you can skip this step if short on time but the soaking helps to increase bioavailability of the nutrients) then blend it with three cups filtered water, a pinch of sea salt, and an optional date or two to naturally sweeten. Strain through a fine mesh strainer or nut milk cloth and voila! Homemade nut milk. I also like the brands Malk, Native Forest, and Good Mylk Co. for cleaner, store-bought alternatives.

Also, when in doubt, just use good, old-fashioned filtered water! It may not be as sexy, but it does the job when needed (plus if you’re adding in nuts or seeds it will mix with the water to give it that creamy, nut-milk quality taste).

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #2 — A High Quality Protein Source

High quality protein is critical for fertility, as hormones are manufactured from amino acids, and without them your hormones aren’t be able to function optimally.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot of junk out there when it comes to protein sources (especially if you’re looking for it in the form of a powder to add to smoothies), as most are quite processed and contain inflammatory ingredients like added sugars and shelf-stabilizing chemicals. My favorite clean protein protein powder is this brand, which has minimal ingredients and is sourced from pasture-raised cows without any added hormones. **Use my code SOGREEN10 to save.

If you’re looking for a vegetarian option, adding a serving of hemp hearts is my preferred option!

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #3 — A Dose of Healthy Fats

Monounsaturated fats such as extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, cold-water fish (salmon, sardines), pumpkin seeds and walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that work to regulate hormones, increase cervical mucus, promote ovulation, improve blood flow to your reproductive organs and boost the health of your eggs.

Additionally, saturated fats (such as coconut oil or butter, grass-fed ghee or butter, etc.) contribute to healthy levels of cholesterol, and cholesterol is necessary to make sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone and progesterone). Consuming this type of fat helps to balance hormones and improve fertility and conception odds, as well as to help your babies brains fully develop.

My favorite fats to add to fertility smoothies are avocado, coconut butter and nut + seed butters like cashew, walnut, sunflower or almond.

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #4 — Leafy Greens & Frozen Veggies

Dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale and swiss chard are rich in essential prenatal nutrients like iron (especially important when you’re menstruating), calcium and magnesium (help your body utilize estrogen and progesterone more effectively) and folate (which also protects against birth defects in the brain and spine that can develop in the first few weeks of pregnancy).

Frozen veggies (cauliflower, zucchini, peas, sweet potatoes, pumpkin or squash all work well) are also loaded with plenty of fiber to regulate blood sugar and digestion (key pillars of overall hormone balance) and have mild flavors that tend to work well in sweet smoothies.

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #5 — Added Fiber

Getting enough fiber into your diet is a crucial component of gut health, and we now know that gut health is intricately linked to hormone health and fertility.

This is because when gut bacteria becomes unbalanced (due to exposure to toxins, processed food, alcohol, caffeine or sugar, stress, etc.), food and nutrients aren’t absorbed well, and larger molecules are able to cross the gut wall, causing food sensitivities and increasing inflammation in the body. This can provoke an immune response and trigger an autoimmune condition if left untreated, leading to hormone disruption, such as impaired ovulation or progesterone production that results in infertility.

Fiber from plants (see above) is key, so as long as you’re adding in 1-2 cups of veggies and fruits you should be getting a decent dose. For optimal results, I like to bulk up my smoothie by adding in either seeds like chia and flax or prebiotic fiber to support good gut bacteria growth and keep blood sugar levels stable.

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #6 — Superfoods

This is where it starts to get really fun, flavor and benefits-wise (but keep in mind these can be more expensive/less budget-friendly, so plan accordingly).

While there are plenty of amazing options out there, these are a few of my fertility smoothie faves:

+ Maca Powder — An adaptogenic root from the Andes mountains used for over two millenia to promote fertility in both men and women. Has a caramel-like flavor that tastes great mixed in with chocolate or nut-butter based smoothies. Make sure to buy organic and gelatinized for optimal nutrient absorption.

+ Cinnamon — Works to regulate blood sugar, a key pillar of hormone balance and fertility. Adds a sweet taste without any sugar. Helps mask the taste of greens/veggies. I especially love the Ceylon varietal for taste and benefits.

+ Cacao — A rich source of magnesium, which works to lower cortisol levels in the body that, if too high, can delay or prevent ovulation. Makes smoothies taste rich and chocolatey. I love this brand.

+ Turmeric Improves blood flow to the uterus, necessary for embryo implantation and a healthy pregnancy. Works really well with cinnamon and ginger to create a “golden milk” flavored smoothie.

+ Ginger Works to lower inflammation tied to fibroids, cysts and endometriosis. Adds a warming, slightly spicy taste that compliments sweet potato or squash-based smoothies.

+ Bee Pollen + Royal Jelly — Numerous studies attribute both bee pollen and royal jelly to boosting reproductive health and fertility in both men and women. I like to sprinkle bee pollen on top of bowls or use a serving of royal jelly in green or tropical-based (i.e. coconut, pineapple, etc.) smoothies.

+ Celtic Sea Salt —I’m a huge fan of adding a pinch (about 1/4 tsp) of sea salt to smoothies as it truly enhances the smoothie’s sweet taste AND adds a healthy dose of minerals that work to reduce toxic waste in the body and promote optimal sulfate levels necessary for a fertile environment.

+ Fertility Smoothie Ingredient #7 — Prebiotic + Probiotic-Rich Foods

As mentioned above under #5, when gut bacteria becomes unbalanced our food and nutrients aren’t absorbed as well, and larger molecules are able to cross the gut wall, causing food sensitivities and increasing inflammation in the body.

Thus, incorporating foods that both feed the good bugs in your gut (prebiotics) as well as those that help strains of good gut bacteria flourish (probiotics) are key for a balanced gut microbiome, equating to a healthier gut and healthier hormones.

A few of my favorite prebiotic-rich foods to add to smoothies include bananas, plantains and apples, while full-fat coconut or greek yogurt and kefir are complementary probiotic sources.


This Peruvian not-so-secret “secret” to fertility is an adaptogenic root that can be found high in the Andes mountains, and has been used for two millennia to promote fertility in both men and women.

For women specifically, maca powder optimizes fertility by nourishing the Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal Ovarian Axis, directly balancing our hormone production, especially our sex hormones estrogen, testosterone and progesterone, which need to be working together in harmony to create a fertile environment.

Because of our exposure to so many modern day fertility obstacles (including endocrine disruptors such as xenoestrogens, BPA, hormonal birth control, etc.) our hormones have a lot to combat in order to stay balanced. Thus taking an adaptogen like maca powder that helps our bodies adapt to these stressors and nourishes the entire endocrine system can be very effective at balancing our hormones in order to boost fertility. **Please consult with a licensed medical practitioner before taking.


As you’ve probably noticed, the supplement market is oversaturated with options, many of them over-processed and poorly extracted, or containing inflammatory fillers, which all equates to less than ideal results for you (if any).

Thus it’s important to do your homework before purchasing a supplement or adaptogen, which in this case I’ve already done for you! Read below for my tips on purchasing the best maca powder that will support you on your fertility and hormone health journey.

+ Opt For Gelatanized Maca Powder

The process of gelatinizing maca powder optimizes digestion and increases the bioavailability of the nutrients, whereas raw maca is very difficult to digest (and may come with unpleasant side effects).

+ Make Sure To Get The Right Phenotype of Maca Powder

Research over the last 20 years has verified that there are 13 different phenotypes of maca root, all with different colors, DNA, and unique active ingredient profiles. This means different phenotypes have different effects on the body. Thus if you’re aiming to boost fertility, you’ll want to select a different phenotype then if you’re entering menopause, etc. This is the only brand I know of currently that’s separating out maca phenotypes for targeted results. I recommend these capsules for women looking to boost fertility and these for your male counterparts.

+ Purchase A Maca Powder Without Fillers or Artificial Ingredients

In order to avoid any inflammatory ingredients that could potentially disrupt your hormones and reproductive health, it’s important to purchase a brand free of fillers such as gluten, soy, corn or dairy. You’ll also want to make sure the brand is Non-GMO certified.

***Please consult with your licensed medical practitioner before taking.


The more consistently you work in a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet, the more equipped your hormones are to carry out all of the functions necessary to create a fertile cycle and healthy egg and environment for your future baby.

Smoothies are a great way to get started, as they’re an easy way to sneak in an abundance of these nutrients. Follow the formula above to make your own fertility smoothies, or if you need help getting started try out this decadent and delicious Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe below.

Looking for more delicious recipes to support a healthy preconception, pregnancy + baby? Check out my Fertility Boosting Fundamentals Guide.


+ Fertility Boosting Foods FREE Download

+ Trying To Get Pregnant? These Fertility-Boosting Foods + Recipes May Help

+ How to REALLY Tell If You’re Ovulating + Best Fertility Awareness Methods

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The BEST Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe





This smoothie tastes like dessert (pumpkin pie anyone?!) and is filled with ingredients like maca powder that work to improve egg and sperm quality, balance hormones and boost fertility.



00:00 Mins

00:10 Mins

  • Author: Lauren Chambers

  • Servings: 1

  • Recipe Type: smoothie, dessert, breakfast, snack

  • Cuisine: American



  1. Add all ingredients in a high speed blender and mix until smooth and creamy.
  2. Enjoy right away with your favorite toppings.


If adding maca powder from capsule form to your smoothie, simply use scissors to cut in half and pour powder into the blender with the rest of your smoothie ingredients.

The BEST Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe (1)

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The BEST Maca Powder Fertility Smoothie Recipe (2024)


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